FOR A LIMITED TIME- you can Earn FREE Flower Seeds, to grow a flower garden.
Free flower seeds are available to you when you make a purchase from any of our
Home Improvement Specialty Stores.

The individual store links are on the right side of this page. There are all kinds of home impovement products featured in the stores and the prices are great. These are Amazon Based stores so you don't pay a higher price by shopping with me.
You can shop for furniture, home decor, books, kindles, ebooks, appliances, electronics, tools, hardware and garden supplies, sheds, and much more.
This offer is also available on any link you will find that leads you to an amazon page, as long as you make your purchase from that link. (This does not include other affiliate links to other stores).
You will know it is an amazon link when you get to the page.Their name is at the top left corner of the page.
This is a FREE OFFER, US only, unless you send the postage paid envelope.
I save flower seeds from my private garden.
I offer them for sale here
And you are certainly welcome to purchase them. There are more varieties for sale there.
The FREE FLOWER SEEDS ARE 3 Varities only.
But in honor of Mothers Day, and Spring Gardening I am offering FREE Flower Seeds to my Home Improvement Specialty Store Shoppers,and any amazon link from this site.
Here is all you have to do to qualify for FREE FLOWER SEEDS
Minimum Purchase required in order to get the seeds is only $100.00. You can accumalate orders, jsut send me proof when the total reaches $100.00
I do not process your orders from these links, so in order to get your FREE SEEDS I will need for you to contact me. The contact form is below.
I will need your name and address and email address,and the amount of your invoice and the description of the items puchased, before shipping.
If you want to combine your purchases with your friends to reach the 100.00 minimum that is fine too.
Just send me the name and address of the 1 person to send the FREE Flower seeds too. You can divide and share with your friends.
Turn this into an office order and get lots of Free Seeds. These are jumbo packs, with way more seeds than store packs. Al are hand collected and sun dried by me. Look at the garden pages on this site to see
My Gardens
The FREE Flower Seeds would make a Great gift to a MOM for Mothers Day!
Of give them to your favorite new gardener. Share with friends, a little goes along way.
Please specify the type of FREE SEEDS that your prefer
I have mixed sunflower seeds shown below
Marigold-mixed shown at the top of the page
Mixed Giant Zinnias shown below
These seeds will grow and create beautiful Flower Gardens Quick.
Get the full details on these
flower seeds here
Growing Flowers from seeds reminds me of the saying-
Feed a man a Fish- feed him from a day
Teach a man to Fish- feed him for a lifetime!
When you grow a flower garden from seed you will learn how to have a lifetime of beautiful flowers in your garden! That is much better than buying a fresh cut flower bouquet and throwing them away!
You can have fresh cut flowers all season from your own flower garden.


* Proof of orders from links to Amazon required. $100.00 mimumum total, orders can be accumalated, and can be from multiply people.
Turn this into a family order or Facebook Order to meet the minimum order requirements.
Jumbo packs of seeds are shipped.
Check order page for full details.
Order Flower Seeds from My Private Garden