We all Collect to Much Stuff. Declutter with these Tips to Improve your Living Space.
Over the years we collect way to much stuff. Decluttering is the only satisfactory solution. For Storage Solutions-
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It is only normal to want things. This leads to clutter. So we have to work out a way to declutter our homes and lives.
Here are a few examples of why we need to free up valuable space in our homes-
Families grow and when that happens-
We have kids, that means more stuff, as in baby clothes then toys and more furniture. Rooms and closets get filled fast.
As our children grow the clothes and toys are outgrown. Then we have to get rid of the unused items. Or hand them down to our smaller children. The collection grows.
We gain weight and out grow our own clothes. We buy more and hope to someday get back into the smaller sized clothes. If we do lose the weight we celebrate by buying more clothes! It can be a vicious cycle.
We move into a smaller home and don't have as much storage space. So we MUST declutter, or be miserable in our living space.
Two households become one, families blend. This means more stuff.
I am sure you get the idea.
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When we have to many things in our homes the space starts to feel small and closed in. We enjoy our homes more when the space is used as living space instead of storage space.
Constantly having to deal with so much clutter can be very stressful.
Like many people when I feel that my home is cluttered I get very anxious. I get moody and want to make it all go away.
And through out the years with raising 3 children and several major moves I have moved to much stuff to many times.
Over the years I have moved several times. Some homes were larger, some were smaller. Each time I moved alot of the same stuff.
I would buy more things for the new homes and often the items I had moved were just neglected and left unused.
I found that I had not used alot of the items in the new homes.
The unused items were just boxed up in garages, basements, closets, attics, anywhere there was a space to put them. They were just cluttering up my new home.
Going thru all that clutter can be a huge task. It can also bring back many memories that are sometimes better off forgotten. So like many people I put it off.
When I did decide to declutter, I have taken full car loads of nice things to goodwill because they were boxed up for years and let unopened. I have had enough of moving unused items.
I have also given trunk loads of unused home decor items to family members. Our tastes and styles change over the years.
It is normal to grow tired of looking at the same stuff.

Stop keeping items you no longer use or need.
After my last move- it was just myself and my husband living in our home together.
All of my kids were out of the house.
NO TOYS! Ahhhhhh. Yes I miss the kids but I was over the years of dealing with their toys and stuff.
We gave my grown children alot of furniture and household items that I no longer needed. They were starting out on their own . That helped both of us.
My husband and I combined 2 households together, so that meant lots of home decor.
At the time I also worked in retail furniture sales so I definitely took advantage of my employee discount.
Afterall I needed new furniture for my new home! Time to update.
My husband and I have improved our home and garden together in many ways with remodeling, and new landscaping. These improvements involved lots of ongoing construction projects.
Both inside and outside of the house. That means alot of stuff in places where we would eventually use as living space.
Until recently, some inside area of our house was either unfinished or used for storage waiting on an area to be finished.
Over the years we have lived in construction zones that take up alot of the square footage. When the construction is over the overall effect is much better. Stress is relieved.
The tools and materials are all gone and the living space is usable. The house feels like we have added on to it.. We haven't but by finishing the inside work and getting rid of lots of things we no longer needed it feels much bigger.
And the end result is so much nicer and house feels alot larger.
During this time we have had the opportunity to take advantage of getting rid of alot it items we no longer use or need.
This even including selling some of the furniture I had purchased with my employee discount. To much furniture takes up alot of space.
We love improving our home, and we enjoy do it ourselves, so that takes some time to get everything the way we want.
But the end result is exactly what we want so it is definitely worth the work and the wait.
Consider doing what we did, do a Basement Remodel, Get ideas here!
When you have so much stuff it makes sense to downsize all over.
The task of decluttering can be a big deal. I suggest you start like this-
Evaluate your overall space. Determine if you really need everything you have.
Take a look at your rooms. One by one, don't get overwhelmed by trying to do everything at once.
Are the walls covered with to much wall decor? If you removed some items would the space appear less cluttered and feel larger? If so, take some items down.
Consider using them in other rooms that are not so full. Or take them out and start gathering things up to have a sale.
Is your dinner table top doing double duty and staying to cluttered to enjoy a family meal together?
Remove the other items off the table so you can use the dinner table. If you are using the space as a desk.
Make room somewhere else in the house for a real desk. Maybe in an extra bedroom.
Can you see any wall space between the many pieces of furniture? If not you have to much furniture. Sell it or move it somewhere you can use it comfortably.
Can you easily pass thru exit doors without the door opening up into some large item, such as a chair? Are you using that chair in the corner blocking the door?
If not again you have to much furniture, rearrange it, and get rid of unused pieces. You will love your new found space.
When you do the laundry can you easily hang all the clothes back in the closet? If not get rid of the items you never wear.
You will find that putting away the laundry is not a dreaded task when you do.
Is there enough storage space in the drawers of your bedroom furniture to place your clothing inside and easily close the drawer?
If not, I bet you know what to do! Yes, go through you clothes and give them to someone in need.
Is the garage declared a "no woman zone" because you consider it hazardous?
I leave the task of cleaning our garage to my husband. That space scares me!
Ok, actually it has gotten much better. Now if we can just keep it that way!
He works in the garage space alot, It is our workshop too, so there is alot going on in there.
Our declutter solution is to build a bigger garden shed to house the items that should not go into the garage.
The garden shed is another project we still have to do. More on that as it progresses. But he has removed alot of items from the garage that he has had for years that he no longer needs.
After you Declutter your Home Do Some Seasonal Decorating, find out more here!
Garage sales are one way of getting rid of unneeded items. If you live in a location with good traffic.
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You can also donate items to local charities such as goodwill. Churches are sometimes a good outlet because many of them help needy families. But you could even make money with having a garage sale, so try that first.
One of the best ways we have found to get rid of unwanted items is to advertise them on Craigslist.org. But use caution and stay safe.
Don't encourage strangers to enter your home if you are alone. Have them meet you outside and never late at night.
I recommend always having someone with you if you have someone over to buy an item. And don't deal with anyone offering to pay you with money order or cashiers checks, That is always a scam.
Use common sense when dealing with strangers. Don't appear desperate to get rid of your items and settle for unfair prices either.
If you cannot manage to get your unwanted items sold. Give them to someone in need. don't keep them in storage. U worked to hard to make more space!
Some items you will simply need to throw away. Go through your closets and get rid of unused items. Throw out old food taking up pantry space. If the date is expired, toss it in the trash.
Toss out the papers and old magazines that clutter your spaces.
Make an office for mail and a place to pay bills. You can do this in the basement or turn an unused bedroom into an office.
The difference you see with all of the paperwork in the right place will be very pleasing.
I know this from experience, Since we have finished our basement space we have an office that all paperwork goes to.
No more of that clutter in other areas of the house. Yeahhhh.
I am writing this webpage from my new basement office.
We built in a desk and shelves for storage. I love it!
You don't have to declutter every room at once. Take your time and really make change in each space your declutter.
Expect to love the new decluttered areas so much that you want to do more.
The feeling snowballs, because you will love the effect it has on the space so much you will want the entire house to be decluttered.
When you get finished with your decluttering projects - celebrate. Invite friends over, and be proud of your clean decluttered home. I bet they will notice the difference too.
Spend the money you make from selling your unneeded items on something special that you do need.
Enjoy your new and improved decluttered home!
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